The team at Asher Law Associates has a long and exceptional track record representing and advising clients across the body of law relating to political, campaign and lobbying activities both at the federal and state levels in the United States and elsewhere. Firm principals have served previously as both general and external counsel for the most prominent and successful policy firms in Washington, D.C., as well as in staff positions for several years in the U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives and Florida’s State Capital in Tallahassee.
Before you begin any foray into the legally counterintuitive world of political or issue advocacy – let us take the opportunity to turn our seasoned eye on your issues and strategic assumptions. We have advised candidates, regulated political committees, issue campaigns, tax exempt advocacy groups and corporate political action committees concerning permissible political activities and operations. Furthermore, we have helped our clients to develop strategies to maintain strict compliance with Internal Revenue Code requirements concerning non-profit status and represented others before regulatory oversight bodies such as the Federal Election Commission during formal election inquiries.
Washington Square
1050 Connecticut Avenue, Northwest Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20036
300 N. New York Avenue, Number 1271
Winter Park, Florida 32789